S.No. |
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Notice for opportunity to Work as Research Assistant, and Field Investigator in ICSSR-Funded Short Term Empirical Research Project
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Notice dated 27-02-25 for Interview for the Post of Principal
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Notification-2 for the Post of Principal
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Notification-1 for the Post of Principal
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Notification for the Post of Principal
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Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Basis) in English on 21-01-2025
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Postponed of the Walk in Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Basis) In Computer Science
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Postponed of the Walk in Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Basis) In English
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Interview Invitation for Research Assistant & Field Investigator Position under ICSSR project.
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Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Basis) in Computer Science on 19.11.2024
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Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Basis) in English on 14.11.2024
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Notice for opportunity to Work as Research Assistant, and Field Investigator in ICSSR-Funded Research Project
13 |
Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Basis) in Economics on 10.10.2024
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Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Basis) in Economic departments
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Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Basis) in various departments
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Click here for Advertisement for the post of Principal
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Click here For Online Link((http://rec3.du.ac.in) the Post of Principal
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ADDENDUM - Advertisement for the post Non-Teaching posts on deputation/contractual basis
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Recruitment Notice for the post of Junior Assistant, Semi-Professional Assistant and Senior Technical Assistant (Computer) on Contractual basis