The library of Maharaja Agrasen College is automated with a wide ranging collection of over 43,752 (Forty three thousands seven hundred fifty two) books of various disciplines. The Library subscribes to a total of 16 newspapers and 30 magazines & print journals. Library has a rich collection of various reference sources such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlas and yearbooks etc. The Library also provides access to about 6000 e-journals through centralized
Delhi University library system and a host of high quality
electronic databases subscribed by Delhi University Library System (DULS) to its users. The library subscribes to a large number of Electronics Resources through UGC-Infonet,DULIS Electronic Journal and NLIST of Inflibnet, Its includes 11 Online Databases on Reference & Citation Sources, 7 online Databases on Bibliographic Sources, 2 Online Databases on Citation Analysis Resources, 5 online Databases on Financial and Statistical Sources, Single databases on Doctoral Theses and 77 online Databases on Full Text Sources. This includes around 49270+ e-journals available in the library.
DU e- Library remote access facility. The Library has full bibliographical data of books into machine-readable form on ‘KOHA’ Library Management Software Package’.
The Library is fully air-conditioned The Library has well-equipped with computer and internet facility. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is in place to ensure easy access of books for the users. For visually impaired students,
Braille kits with CDs & other facilities are available in the library.
Then in the process of digitization, the library has digital materials on its institutional repositories like Agranika, Anuual Reports, Information Bulletin, Indian Journal of Social Inquiry and previous year question papers were digitized by the library.
Floor Planning |
Second Floor |
The second floor has is reading room and college archive center as well as reference sections. The reference books are not be issued. Those books can be consulted in the second floor and third floor only. The text book is issued for one week every working day. |
Third Floor |
The following subject books are available in the third floor i.e.
Computer Science
Political Science
Business Economics
Physical Education
The e-library of the third floor is separate section for the all users.
Books Lending Rules
A) Loan of Book to the Students
i. Duration &nnbsp; 7 days
ii. Number of books 6
iii. Fine charges @Rs. 1 (Per Day)
B) Loan of Books to the Teachers (Permanent)
i. Duration One month
ii. Number of books 15 books
C) Loan of Books to the Teachers (Ad-hoc& Guest) (Library membership only up to one semester)
i. Duration One month
ii. Number of books 15 books
D) Loan of Books to the Non- Teaching (Permanent)
i. Duration One month
ii. Number of books 5 books
E) Loan of Books to the Non- Teaching (Contract & Temporary)
i. Duration One month
ii. Number of books 5 books
General Rules
All the users are expected to observe the following rules while using library facilities in the college:
- Student should bring their I-Card before entering the library. No student shall be allowed entry in the library if she/he does not show her/his I-Card at the entry point.
- Student should check the books before leaving the issue counter at the issue time and report if it is damaged or pages are torn. In case if the book is found damaged at the time of return, the student will be responsible for paying damage charges.
- Books should be returned on due date, failing which student will be liable to pay fine at the rate of Rs.1 per day up to fine days. After seven days of fine periods, student transaction will be block for a month.
- The loss of library card should immediately be reported to the Library staff.
- Any kind of making or underlining on the books, tearing of its pages, is punishable offence and that may reflect in your character certificate.
- In case any student is found stealing books or other articles from the library or belonging of other students to be punished.
- Before and after consulting books in any section or reading Magazine/Journals in reading room, please keep it in its proper place.
- Please do not change the placement of chairs in the library.
- If you notice any students practicing unfair activities (tearing of pages) in the library, please report to Library staff/ Principal.
- Please do not hesitate in consult the Library staff in case of any problem whatsoever.
- Please co-operate with us, we ensure you the best of library services.
Rules for e-Library:
- Student can access a selection of web sites and reference CD-ROMs.
- Downloaded Images or pdf file are needed to be kept in the self-email ID, saving it on the hard disk is not allowed.
- Use of any external storage media is not allowed.
- Browsing objectionable sites is punishable offence.
- Copying of any kind of information from the web and saving it on the hard disk is not allowed.
- Chatting tools are not allowed while using the internet.
E- Resources
- To Access Electronic Journals, Logon to :
Library Services & Facilities
CAS (Current Awareness Services)
- List of Additions of books added recently in the library and mailed to faculty and students for their refrence.
- News Alert is weekly provided through scanning of latest news and articles from national newspaper.
- The book jackets of the new books are displayed on the board.
- Our expert Library staff is always available to assist the readers in locating the information and documents through:
- Ready Reference Service.
- Long Range Reference Service.
- Provide remote access through DU e- library app.
- N- list
- DULS Database
- Plagiarism check software
Reprography Service
- This service is outsourced. It includes photocopying,scanning and printing of documents.
SDI (Selective Dissemination Information) (ON DEMAND) Turnitin Plagiarism Software for Research Paper Check.
Library Activities
- Workshop
- Library Orientation Program for aLL First Year Students
- Library Book Fair (24.09.2024)
Library Five Year Plan
Library Activities
- Workshop
- RFID Technology
- Kindle
Library Pic