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Goal: Maharaja Agrasen College seeks to provide for its students ample opportunities for enhancing their intellectual and physical capabilities. The institution has forever believed that it is the responsibility of the college to transmit its dynamism into nearby communities and help in the collective development of both the local communities and also the college. Treading on this idea of community organization forward, the institution has spread its wings into regions situated outside of Delhi and through the Agrasen Baroji Help Initiative (ABHI) the college has embarked upon understanding the finer nuances of village life and resolving of ground issues concerning the same.

The Context : The modus operandi of Maharaja Agrasen College, what we call the “Concentric Circles Model of Learning” is premised on integrating campuses and communities to facilitate the collective growth of the country. At the core of this learning structure is the institution i.e. Maharaja Agrasen College itself which seeks to provide for its students ample opportunities for enhancing their capabilities. The institution has forever believed that learning cannot and should not always happen within the four walls of the institution. There are immense opportunities of learning and development outside through larger participation in community development and upliftment programmes. Keeping this in mind, the college closely works in the Baroji village, the project, thus, is an interface for proving real time experiential learning.

The Practice: The area of study is Baroji Village, in the district of Nuh (Mewat), Haryana. Thus, it brings forth a collaborative study that intends to establish equilibrium between the two distinct, yet the same worlds. The line of activities commence with the spirit of oneness and the idea of debunking the notion of the ‘other’.

Activities at Baroji: BLURRING BOUNDARIES: In a multifarious nation like that of India, project ABHI (Agrasen Baroji Help Initiative) takes a step to bring together the diverse sections together.
Swachhta Abhiyan: Treading upon the ambitious Swachhta Abhiyan launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, a team of fifty students undertook various Cleanliness Drives within the village. Also, numerous sensitization programs on sanitation and hygiene were brought forth.
Awareness drives through Movie Screening: Further, awareness camps on government policies and their implementation was undertaken through the Movie Screening. The movie was instrumental in providing an insight into the layers of government operations thereby untying the knots of introduction, administration and implementation.
Library at Village Temple: A small library was established at the village temple premises. The books were collected by the students in a special donation drive within the college.
Sports Facilities at Baroji: Activities like clearing the area for the ground to play football, providing equipment like footballs, goal posts ect. Were undertaken to provide the facility for the village children.

This year two visits were made to the village on 4 November 2017 and a three-day camp was organized from 19-21 January 2018. The objective of the visits was to interact with the villagers, hold plantation drives, workshop for villagers to apprise them about the government policies for them and educate the students about community service