MAC Jobs: A special initiative of Maharaja Agrasen College, students are involved in college processes and functioning both in the administration and Accounts in the form of ‘On Campus Job Opportunity’ along with their study. This not only enriches the curriculum being taught but also inculcates among the students.
Work Culture
Administrative Efficiency
Skill Development
Communication Skills
Practical Knowledge
The College, through its Student Council, provides the students with OnCampus Job Opportunity (MAC JOBS) so to inculcate among the students a work culture, administrative efficiency, skill development, communication skills, and practical knowledge and to aid the College Administration in completion of various tasks as an additional boost towards the workforce in an economical manner.
The trainees work for atleast six hours per week, after the teaching hours as per their respective timetables and are provided a stipend.
Students work in the college administration and are paid a stipend
Data Entry
Stock Verification
Assistance during admissions
Assistance in TPC
Assistance in ICT Lab